We are always looking out for suitable material for our Occasional Papers series. We are particularly interested in original research on themes related to socialist history and/or the history of socialism. If you have anything you think we might be interested in publishing, please take a look at the guidelines below. You can contact the OP series editor by using the “Contact Us!” link above. We look forward to hearing from you.
The subject matter may be anything that can reasonably be regarded as “socialist history”. This precludes pieces that are primarily commentaries on current politics or present-day polemics, and historical writing that is not broadly socialist either in its topic or treatment.
Pamphlets should be:
a) original, for example primary research or memoirs;
b) well-written in plain English, avoiding jargon and academese;
c) of interest to most SHS members and preferably also to an identifiable audience outside the society;
d) academically credible, i.e. properly researched and annotated;
e) not excessively partisan, celebratory or contentious;
f) not previously published in English.
A5 pamphlet, between 12000 and 40000 words approximately.
One larger pamphlet or two smaller ones per year.
Manuscripts and proposals for consideration as Occasional Papers should be submitted for review to the editorial team (currently Willie Thompson, David Morgan and Francis King), who will consider them in the light of the above criteria. Provisional acceptance of a proposal in no way guarantees that the end result will be considered suitable for publication. Please use the “Contact Us!” link at the top of this page to submit your proposals.
Occasional Papers are normally published in-house with a print run of about 500, unless greater interest is anticipated. We are open to proposals for joint publication with another publisher or organisation. Authors receive 25 copies of the finished product. Authors can purchase further copies at cost price (around half the cover price). The society pays no royalties on sales.
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