On Strike Against the Nazis

The e-book can be downloaded from here…

Class Struggle and Resistance in Northern France and Belgium during the Second World War
By Steve Cushion
The class struggle did not disappear during the Second World War following the occupation of Europe by the German armed forces. In northern France and Belgium a shop steward-based movement quickly emerged, mainly led by communist activists, that attempted to defend and advance wages and conditions and, above all access to sufficient food for working class families. Read on ...

The Good Old Cause – Communist Intellectuals and the English Radical Tradition

By David Morgan

Issue Number 45 in the Occasional Publications series of the SHS

This is by no means the first time that “The Good Old Cause” has been used as the title of a publication with an historical theme of this kind. The Good Old Cause: English Revolution of 1640-1660 was the name given to a collection of political writings from the seventeenth century edited by Christopher Hill and Edmund Dell that first came out in 1949 as part of a series called History in the Making under the overall editorship of Dona Torr. Read on ...

Telling the Mayflower Story: Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery?

A Socialist History Society publication
Danny Reilly & Steve Cushion

Buy a copy of Telling the Mayflower Story: Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery?
£4 + p&p [£1.50 in UK, £5 to Rest of World]
Email s.cushion23@gmail.com
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In the autumn of 1620 the ship Mayflower, with 102 passengers, landed in North America and started the colonisation of the area that became known as New England. Read on ...