Labour Revolt in Britain 1910-14

The Labour revolt that swept Britain in the years before the First World War was one of the most sustained outbreaks of industrial militancy and social revolt the country has ever experienced
The industrial militancy involved large-scale strikes by miners, seamen, dockers, railway workers and many others, and was dominated by unskilled and semi-skilled workers, many acting independently of trade-union officials.
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Louise Cripps Samoiloff by Christian Høgsbjerg

Christian Høgsbjerg launched  his new publication for the Socialist History Society on March 27th at 7pm

Also speaking was Martin Samoiloff, Louise’s grandson

The book is available from Bookmarks bookshop…

This book introduces the remarkable life and work of Louise Cripps Samoiloff (1904-2001), an English born writer, journalist, publisher, historian and socialist who became an American citizen and was the author of over a dozen books, many of which articulated the case for the independence of Puerto Rico. Read on ...