The Socialist History Society Occasional Publications series began in 1993. It is a series of short pamphlets on various themes related to socialist history. Some are the memoirs of participants in events, others are research-based monographs, edited collections or selections of primary documents. Approximately two titles are produced per year. Members of the SHS receive them automatically as part of their subscription. They can also be bought separately through the society and ordered from booksellers. The texts of some titles (see hyperlinks) can be downloaded free of charge from this page.
Many of these titles are still available post free from:
1. | Jean Jones | Ben Bradley: Fighter for India’s Freedom [out of print] | £2.50 |
2. | various | George Rudé 1910-1993: Marxist Historian [out of print] | £2.50 |
3. | George Barnsby | Votes for Women: the Struggle for the Vote in the Black Country 1900-1918 [out of print] | £2.50 |
4. | Jean Jones | The League Against Imperialism [out of print] | £2.50 |
5. | Reuben Falber | The 1968 Czechoslovak Crisis: Inside the British Communist Party [out of print] | £2.50 |
6. | Stan Henderson | Comrades on the Kwai | £2.50 |
7. | Tony Atienza, Paul Preston | The Spanish Civil War: Historical Antecedents and Consequences [out of print] | £1.50 |
8. | David Duncan | Mutiny in the RAF: The Air Force Strikes of 1946 [out of print] | £4.95 |
9. | Peter Robinson | Portugal 1974-75: The Forgotten Dream [out of print] | £3.00 |
10. | Jim Mortimer | The Formation of the Labour Party – lessons for today [out of print] | £2.50 |
11. | Patrick Baker | The Spanish Transition to Democracy – a missed opportunity for the left? [out of print] | £2.50 |
12. | Jim Fyrth | An Indian Landscape 1944-1946 | £5.50 |
13. | Andrew Boyd | Jim Connell: The Man Who Wrote the Red Flag [out of print] | £3.50 |
14. | Victor Kiernan | Twenty Years of Europe: The Engels-Lafargue Correspondence | £2.75 |
15 | Richard Hart | Labour Rebellions in the Caribbean [out of print] | £2.60 |
16 | John Newsinger | British Intervention and the Greek Revolution [out of print] | £2.75 |
17 | Linda Colley | Another Making of the English Working Class: The Lash and the Imperial Soldiery | £2.00 |
18 | Andrew Boyd | Marx, Engels and the Irish [out of print] | £4.00 |
19 | W Raymond Powell | Keir Hardie in West Ham: “A Constituency with a Past” | £2.50 |
20 | Richard Hart | The Grenada Revolution: setting the record straight [out of print] | £3.00 |
21 | Lionel Munby, D Huw Owen, James Scannel | Local History since 1945: England, Wales and Ireland | £3.00 |
22 | Gavin Bowd | Comintern Cadre: The Passion of Allan Eaglesham | £2.50 |
23 | Jim Riordan | The last British Comrade trained in Moscow: the Higher Party School 1961 – 1963 | £2.50 |
24 | Paul Auerbach, Willie Thompson | Is there No Alternative? Historical Problems of Socialist Economic Strategies | £2.50 |
25 | Francis King | The Narodniks in the Russian Revolution: Russia’s Socialist-Revolutionaries in 1917 | £5.00 |
26 | Larry Wayne | Union Bread. Bagels, Platzels and Chollah: the Story of the London Jewish Bakers’ Union [out of print] | £6.00 |
27 | David Howell, Dianne Kirby and Kevin Morgan (eds) | John Saville: Commitment and History. Themes from the life and work of a socialist historian. Published in association with Lawrence and Wishart. For further details click this link. | £14.99 |
28 | Deborah Lavin | Bradlaugh contra Marx. Radicalism versus Socialism in the First International | £4.00 |
29 | Willie Thompson | Setting an Agenda, Thomson, Dobb Hill and the Communist Party Historians | £3.00 |
30 | Richard Hart | Caribbean Workers’ Struggles | £6.00 |
31 | Marilyn J Boxer and John S Partington (eds) | Clara Zetkin: National and International Contexts | £7.00 |
32 | David Goodway | The Real History of Chartism or Eight Fallacies about the Chartist Movement | £3.00 |
33 | Christian Høgsbjerg | Mariner, Renegade & Castaway: Chris Braithwaite – Seamen’s Organiser, Socialist and Militant Pan-Africanist | £4.00 |
34 | Duncan Bowie | Our History. Roots of the British Socialist Movement | £4.00 |
35 | Frank Tanner | British Socialism in the Early 1900s | £6.00 |
36 | Malcom Chase, Willie Thompson and David Parker | Eric Hobsbawm: Socialist Historian | £3.00 |
37 | ed. David Morgan | ‘Stop the First World War’: Movements Opposed to the First World War in Britain, France and Germany | £5.00 |
38 | John Newsinger | Sylvia Pankhurst, the easter Rising and the Woman’s Dreadnought | £3.00 |
39 | Steve Cushion | “Killing Communists in Havana” The Start of the Cold War in Latin America | £4.00 |
40 | Robert Turnbull | Climbing Mount Sinai: Noah Ablett 1883-1935 [out of print] | £4.00 |
41 | ed. David Morgan | 1917 The Russian Revolution, Reactions and Impact | £6.00 |
42 | ed. David Morgan | The Labour Party in Historical Perspective | £6.00 |
43 | Danny Reilly & Steve Cushion | Telling the Mayflower Story: Thanksgiving or Land Grabbing, Massacres & Slavery? | £4.00 |
44 | Edited by Steve Cushion and Christian Høgsbjerg | Treason: Rebel Warriors and Internationalist Traitors | £5.00 |
45 | David Morgan | The Good Old Cause – Communist Intellectuals and the English Radical Tradition | £4.00 |
46 | Greta Sykes and David Morgan | Writers of the Left in an Age of Extremes | £5.00 |
47 | Merilyn Moos and Steve Cushion | On Strike against the Nazis | £5.00 |
48 | Duncan Bowie | 20th Century Socialism in Britain | £5.00 |
Communist Party History Group publications online
Selected pamphlets from the SHS’s forerunner, the CP Historians/History Group, scanned and digitised on the Amiel-Melburn Trust website.
Do you have anything we could use?
The society is always looking out for suitable material for its Occasional Papers series. We are particularly interested in original
research on themes related to socialist history and/or the history of socialism.
Click here to view our guidelines for authors.
If you have anything you think we might be interested in publishing, please send your message to the