The Communist Party in Liverpool and Birkenhead, 1920-1940
SHS Occasional Publication 50
by Chris Jones
- Foundation: a party of a new type
- The Minority Movement in Liverpool
- Bans and proscriptions in the Labour Party and trade unions gather pace
- New Times and the ‘New Line’
- Organising the CPGB: members, officers and offices
- No Pasaran: The fight against Fascism in Liverpool
- The Popular Front on the Mersey
- Industrial activity of the CPGB in Liverpool
- The cultural life of the Liverpool CPGB
- The Life and Soul of the Party
- Darkening Clouds: International Activity
- Give peace a chance: Liverpool communists and peace campaigns in the 1930s
CHRIS JONES is a retired academic nurse from Edge Hill University in Ormskirk, Lancashire. Read on ...